Regular European Workshops "Nonlinear Maps and Their Applications" (NOMA) are held biannually in those European Universities where
successful researchers in the area of nonlinear maps and their applications
In far 1973 year French scientist Cristian Mira organized Colloquium "Point Mappings and Applications" in the University of Toulouse, where he worked.
According to C.Mira, his mathematical preferences were formed under the
influence of works of the founder of the Nizhni Novgorod school of nonlinear
oscillations A.A. Andronov. In 2001, the Conference "Progress in Nonlinear
Science" dedicated to 100-th anniversary of A.A. Andronov was held in the
Nizhni Novgorod State University. More, than 300 participants shared their
achievements with colleagues in the framework of 3 Sections ("Mathematical Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics", "Boundaries of Nonlinear Physics",
"Nonlinear Oscillations, Control and Information").
Today with great respect we remember also scientists of previous generations of the Nizhni Novgorod School, among them are mathematicians
E.A. Leontovich, N.N. Bautin, A.G. Mayer, Yu.I. Neimark, L.N. Belyustina,
L.P. Shil’nikov (the Conference "Dynamics, Bifurcations and Strange Attractors" dedicated to 80-th anniversary of L.P. Shil’nikov was held in Nizhni
Novgorod in 2015), N.F. Otrokov, M.V. Dolov.
The idea of the regular European Workshops "Nonlinear Maps and Their Applications" belongs to Japanese scientists T.Ueta, Y.Nishio and French scientist D.Fournier-Prunaret. The first Conference NOMA was held in Toulouse in 2007.
In 2017 the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of
Sciences and the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and
Mechanics of the National Research Nizhni Novgorod State University take
up the torch to hold the 6-th European Workshop NOMA-2017.
The main goal of this Conference is to bring together researchers from
theoretical and applied areas who are pioneering in the investigation of nonlinear discrete dynamical systems.